Dnešná prvá etapa na pretekoch okolo Poľska skončila hrôzostrašným padom Fabia Jakobsena v záverečnom špurte.
Holandského cyklistu z tímu Deceuninck-Quickstep mali údajne po náraze do bariér oživovať a aktuálne leží v nemocnici v umelom spánku. Jeho stav je pre problémy s dýchacím systémom a poranenou lebkou kritický.
In this disturbing video, Fabio #Jakobsen can be seen striking the barrier along the finish line of the Tour of Poland in Katowice. He suffered severe injuries to his head and neck, and is in a coma. pic.twitter.com/2rAHDan5XT
— GlobalCount (@CountGlobal) August 5, 2020
During a race in Poland, cyclist Fabio #Jakobsen struck a barrier near the finish line after making contact with a competitor. He was in critical condition after the incident, suffering internal bleeding, and was flown to a hospital where he remains in a coma. pic.twitter.com/TxAfg2qruH
— GlobalCount (@CountGlobal) August 5, 2020