Včerajšie úvodné semifinále talianskeho pohára Coppa Italia medzi Juventusom a Interom skončilo remízou 1:1.
V 95. minúte vyrovnával z pokutového kopu Romelu Lukaku, ktorý po svojej oslave videl druhú žltú kartu.
Belgičan gestom umlčal fanúšikov domácich, ktorí ho mali rasisticky urážať.
Po záverečnom hvizde videli červenú kartu po vzájomnom konflikte Juan Cuadrado a Samir Handanović.
Odveta je na programe na San Sire 26. apríla, stihnúť by ju už mohol aj slovenský obranca Milan Škriniar.
— EuroFoot (@eurofootcom) April 5, 2023
Lukaku scores, celebrates the way he always does, shouts two things against the racists slurs against him, he’s the first to leave the penalty area. The referee who hasn’t seen anything runs after him to give him a yellow? Why? pic.twitter.com/dx54CsUKbs
— Siavoush Fallahi (@SiavoushF) April 4, 2023
𝖨𝗇𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗏𝗌 𝖩𝗎𝗏𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗎𝗌! 🤯👊 pic.twitter.com/SoOVY1OQRY
— EuroFoot (@eurofootcom) April 4, 2023
Lukaku sent off for celebrating and responding to racist abuse from Juve fans.
— Kurt (@Kurt0411Fifa) April 4, 2023
Only in Italy pic.twitter.com/rLKsJMEopK
Romelu Lukaku was targeted with racial abuse by Juventus fans last night 📸 pic.twitter.com/5CeybHRS9F
— MailOnline Sport (@MailSport) April 5, 2023
Confirmed racist chants pertaining to the colour of Romelu Lukaku's skin, causing him to celebrate in front of the Juventus fans the way he did.
— Inter Xtra (@Inter_Xtra) April 4, 2023
[via @SimoneTogna] pic.twitter.com/fJw9EsKS5l
Foto: Youtube/Serie A, Twitter/Siavoush Fallahi